Yu Ji

Born 1985 in Shanghai(CN)
Lives and works in Shanghai (CN), New York (US) and Vienna (AT)

Yu Ji works with just such experiences and somatic sensations, which she transforms into multifaceted representations of space. The focus is on the human body and its relationship to its environment, using an idiomatic palette of materials as a frame of reference. The encounter with such settings — for space is nothing else — producing an effect that is concrete and abstract at the same time, seemingly present while charged with geographical specifics and historical narratives. Many of Yu Ji’s works are the product of field research. Making physical interventions at selected locations is also characteristic of her approach to her work, creating intuitively experienced as well as psychologically charged images for individualisation, for free space, limitations and control.

Yu Ji’s work — which encompasses sculpture and installations, along with video and performative works, screen prints and collages — is based on the haptic experience, on the atmospheric and cultural connotations inscribed into a material and which appear striking in certain constellations. The cement, wood and metal that often feature in her works, but also the various found objects from nature and everyday life that she incorporates in her installations, have their own characteristic properties and tactile qualities. They appear warm or cold, organic or abstract, open or confining. In Yu Ji’s installations, they stand juxtaposed as dissonance or come into contact with one another, they merge together or absorb each other. The entire spectrum suggested by their appearance makes of them resonant spaces which are always also metaphorical.

Yu Ji, Flesh in Stone — Ghost No. 10, 2021

Yu Ji, Flesh in Stone — Ghost No. 10, 2021

Cement, sand, iron, deformed steel bar, 110 × 35 × 27 cm

Yu Ji, Flesh in Stone — Ghost No. 7, 2020

Yu Ji, Flesh in Stone — Ghost No. 7, 2020

Cement, wood, iron wire, iron nail, 33 × 23 × 20 cm

Yu Ji, Tiny Figure 2101, 2021

Yu Ji, Tiny Figure 2101, 2021

Cement, iron, 27 × 9 × 7 cm

Yu Ji, Flesh in Stone — Ghost No. 9, 2021

Yu Ji, Flesh in Stone — Ghost No. 9, 2021

Sofa, cement, steel bar, mirror, lamp, stone, 70 × 100 × 90 cm

Yu Ji, Untitled, 2021

Yu Ji, Untitled, 2021

Collage on paper, 27.2 × 42.2 cm

Yu Ji, Forager — Dessert, 2020

Yu Ji, Forager — Dessert, 2020

Birch, resin, plaster, coral, stainless steel, 84.5 × 203 × 100 cm

Yu Ji, Refined Still Life No. 9, 2021

Yu Ji, Refined Still Life No. 9, 2021

Stainless steel, silkscreen print, 100 × 55 × 43 cm
