Klaus Mosettig
Klaus Mosettig
- 29.10.–22.11.2003
For the first time, from October 28 to November 22, 2003, the Galerie Martin Janda / Raum Aktueller Kunst is presenting solo shows by Milena Dragicevic and Klaus Mosettig.
The point of departure for his extensive site-specific installation with wall drawings and light boxes is Mosettig’s work with the phenomenon of fruit tree copulation. For several years Mosettig has experimented with the possibilities in grafting single apple trees with several different varieties of apples. With eight apple trees grown in clay pots, he explores issues concerning relationship, sexuality, stress phenomena and forced unions.
“Conceptually, as well as in reality, this project follows a five-year plan. The title, which is taken from a text by Charles Fourier (Œuvres complètes, Vol.IV, p.135) and refers to Fourier’s libertarian social organisation, can be seen as one of the points of departure for this piece. It relates to social utopias and new social organisations which years later also had their influence on the commune experiments of the Austrian actionists, but here, the action is countered by contemplation.” (Klaus Mosettig, project draft)