Allen Ruppersberg

Born in Cleveland, Ohio, United States, 1944
Lives and works in New York and Los Angeles, United States

“The internationally renowned conceptual artist Allen Ruppersberg belongs to the first generation of American artists whose works engaged critically with the means and methods of mass media. Throughout his life's work, itself established as an oeuvre since the late 1960s, Allen Ruppersberg has developed a complex dialogue on the dialectics of high and low culture, public and private spaces and the relationship between art works, multiples and everyday objects. Together with his many-facetted work developed in Los Angeles and latterly also in New York and Europe, Allen Ruppersberg represents a fundamental, pioneering phenomenon in the transatlantic discourse on Conceptual Art.”

— Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, 2006

Allen Ruppersberg, Free Poetry (detail), 2005–2006

Allen Ruppersberg, Free Poetry (detail), 2005–2006

Table with 22 boxes, containing stacks of Xeroxed pages with 22 different images and fingerprints in coloured ink

Allen Ruppersberg, Who Remembers Where They Are From?, 2007

Allen Ruppersberg, Who Remembers Where They Are From?, 2007

Letterpress printing on poster, lithographs, drawing by a relative of the artist (late 19th century), 7 parts

Allen Ruppersberg, We Collect Art, Literature, Ephemera And Perfumes. What Do You Do?, 2006

Allen Ruppersberg, We Collect Art, Literature, Ephemera And Perfumes. What Do You Do?, 2006

Silk screen print, edition unique, 96.7 × 127 cm

Allen Ruppersberg, Spacebound, 2001/2006

Allen Ruppersberg, Spacebound, 2001/2006

Xeroxed pages coloured with crayon, 16 parts laminated, each 94.4 × 126.7 cm

Allen Ruppersberg, Honey, I rearranged the collection in order to understand what the hell monochrome painting is all about, 2002

Allen Ruppersberg, Honey, I rearranged the collection in order to understand what the hell monochrome painting is all about, 2002

Silk screen print, edition of 3, 9 parts, each 74.1 × 80.4 cm

Exhibition view, Raum Aktueller Kunst, Vienna, 1994

Exhibition view, Raum Aktueller Kunst, Vienna, 1994


Allen Ruppersberg, Poster Objects (detail), 1991

Allen Ruppersberg, Poster Objects (detail), 1991

Silkscreen print on lead, glass and metal, 12 parts, each 56 × 35.5 cm or 35.5 × 56 cm